Last seen: Dec 8, 2022
Posted by: hotticex Alrite you took what i said all wrong - But anyways are they 5mg or 10mg on the gear site.because i ordered 500 10mg pills.I rea...
Posted by: aventino76 not sure what you meant by that... lab values maybe?... i was just looking for some personal experience...i did search the forum...
I ran similar and didnt feel shitty untill after cycle, technicaly Im sure there is a better reply. But didnt notice "shutdown" feeling untill post cy...
The ethanate would be simpler. first cycle?
I6ts pretty mild. I have run it with T# just to help save muscle. Six weeks of test inj is going to be a waste unless its prop or Suspension imo.
Mores not better with alot of this. you just end up with more bad side efects and such.
Never had any prop but qv bother me much, I think it is a individual thing.