Last seen: Dec 27, 2024
shrimp isnt really healthy, yeah theres protein and no carbs, but theres massive amounts of cholesterol in one shrimp
Arnold.....huck the faters =:fu how come no ones said Dorian yet?
Originally posted by BigWill Drink or lift. Make up your mind. yep......gear is serious, you get out what you put in
damn it 250...as soon as i saw the title to this thread i was gonna post that quote..you beat me to it
do: moderate amounts of high intensity cardio dont: go nuts and run miles on end in the heat till you faint (happned to someone i know)
plain oatmeal is one of the healthiest things you can eat, good complex carbs, and as fox so eloquently described, plenty of fiber
also, some of yall seem to have mistaken notions of evolution...if you read the differences between dawkins and gould you'll see how many gaps there a...
the last time i posted on this thread i had enjoyed the debate i had with satan but now, its back to the you're dumb, no you're a moron arguments aski...
well i never thought i'd agree with on this topic, but i think i understand where you're coming from now.....cool discussion
ok satan, you got me...i confused my "isms"....i subscribe more to "deism", not "theism"..been awhile since my history of religion class, got confused...
satan you're confusing organized religion with theism theism is the belief in a higher power...i fall somewhere between that and agnosticism, the beli...
that site is hardly a list of hardcore atheists..if you read the criteria at the bottom its pretty wide open, the bottom line being they rejected orga...
Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz Hard question. I believe in cosmic order...but in the sense that Oswald Spengler, Francis Yockey, and Nietzsche ta...
i knew as son as i saw this thread that it would open the fllodgates for the religion bashers the only thing that you can believe is what you want to ...
and to the poster above, any evidence of dinosaurs in the bible is wishful thinking