Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
I do PNF, Isometric and dynamic stretching. I would not recogmend stretching before or during working out and I would stay away from doing static stre...
I haven't been doing allot of sets because I am just comeing back to the game. I am going to start increasing the # of sets I do over the next couple ...
be carefull with shoulders man, their a bitch. funny pic included:
thanks man, how come you dont post your workouts? Dave
its real eazy to cheat on chest supported rows and pull the weight up with your biceps/brachioradialis. thats why I dont do them, even with light weig...
fred, you are correct Dave
Impressive shrug weight, with 1000lbs I think my shoulders would pop out of socket Dave
Eman, in all of your max effort workouts you make big jumps and work up until you miss a weight, then you retake the weight that you missed. IMHO, I w...
I am a loner, but I do find that I need to have some interaction with peaple on a regular basis, like once a week. Whether be it, hanging out with a g...
what about the "iron bull" pelutcheria(sp???) on his site he had some videos of him bench 1000lbs, he had three spotters helping him lift it.
It sounds like you want to take a ride on hendersons meat pole give the gym lifts up bro, they dont mean shit