Last seen: May 25, 2019
Glad it's your liver and not mine bro but honestly even if you add 10 pounds of LBM in 2 weeks I don't think this product is worth the risk. If your i...
I swear by this method now, I remember when the study was first posted hear so I changed from 3iu's ED to 6iu's EOD and after a few weeks I dropped al...
Posted by: mystery_meat , as long as I keep my diet clean once coming off... What is long? I've been for 6 months at a time... Same here
I run mine 20 weeks at a time with no problems.
Anavar 10 mg. Been on for 8 weeks and have strength and gained about 4 lbs of clean muscle. That's all I wanted really since I just hit my 40's. Muscl...
I don't know if it's relevent to your discussion or even if it was a well conducted study but Nandi had posted a study here showing nandrolone yielded...
I wasn't sure about whether or not to order as it was the first time i have ever ordered anabolics online. So i decided to make a small order and see ...
Posted by: ncsports you are one of the VERY few people i have seen say this. tren has been amazing for me in the past. especially with a clean diet. ...
I never found it too have this effect, actually I don't like tren now that I think about it,lol.
Man this stinks so bad you would think Cy Willson wrote it.
Posted by: Miggy Can you post a link to that study? Sure
I posted a study on anabolic steroids inhibiting the growth of the capillary bed of the heart. Perhaps thats what explains the effect on endurance.
Nandi the Test Propionate study noted mild myocyte hypertrophy. Would this necessarily be a bad thing? I think it would be in cases of guys who don't ...