Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Feb 5, 2020
Topics: 2 / Replies: 94
RE: HgH Protein Peptide Protein Peptide Fragment

Posted by: madspin Are you sure your haven't done more with your diet or training? Everyone I've come across so far hasn't had such drastic results i...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

Huh???? 6kg in two weeks from winny???? I've never heard of that type of gain from winny...........was it laced with Anadrol? Anyway, sounds like you ...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

Posted by: Malchir Is it healthy to gain a large amount of muscle in short time? I think not. The benefits for the heart by gaining 4pounds of muscle...

5 years ago
RE: Rogaine and Body Weight

I've been using Rogaine on and off for several years. No weight gain and hair loss stabilized. I have had actual regrowth in certain areas.

5 years ago
RE: Eating/Frontloading Question

Posted by: madtrack You need help Bro. M/track I second that comment just because you (T5K) did not have a blond with big b--bs doing the designated ...

5 years ago
RE: Injecting HCG

does not matter imo.

5 years ago
RE: Injecting HCG

I always aspirate no matter how small the dose. If it's not intended to go into your veins, aspirate to be safe. Why such a big needle? Most people I ...

5 years ago
RE: Replacing CHO during a race?

A well trained body can take in 1.3 - 1.8 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight. So, a 70kg athlete, at most, can absorb around 126 grams ...

5 years ago
RE: Theoritical EPO question

Posted by: madtrack It is known in some instances that Hct level stays higher than previous normal levels after a few cycles;this does not happen to ...

5 years ago
RE: What suppliments do you take daily

You're taking too much aspirin if you take 325 mg per day. Most are taking a baby aspirin (81 mg) a day.CoEnzyme Q10, ALA are in my daily routine also...

5 years ago
RE: Just Susta cycle

Posted by: jboldman cardio cardio cardio! jb It's easier said than done for most bodybuilders. IMO, there are so many, many benefits of a good cardio...

5 years ago
RE: Masteron - Some doubts

Posted by: ready2explode Looks like I'm getting beat up on pretty bad Maybe I should give it another go... I wouldn't take it that way bud. We all kn...

5 years ago
RE: Test and steroids for endurance athletes

Great Post RealGains! I'll ask Jb to make this post a sticky because it provides great information for the newbie as well as those of us that have bee...

6 years ago
RE: Heaviest weight on the first set?

I prefer to start low and work up. I do this because I believe that muscles need to be warmed up to help prevent injuries. You wouldn't jump out of be...

6 years ago
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