Last seen: Feb 14, 2024
No the others aren't a substitute... Test is usually used cause for one most guys like to be horny and be able to perform... the body needs test and w...
I don't know what you've been smokin...
I think you either need to up your dose of Test or add in an anabolic like deca... even low dose like 200mg of deca a week... Duraplex would even be b...
How's your cholesterol...aromasin doesn't mess with your cholesterol or IGF levels
Shots should be taken eod... 50mg is a good dose to start with... thats all I use with great results...
Tren D = 4 Day 1/2 life... thats why it kicks in fast... I remember BD having a mixup on their site saying it was slower acting then Tren E...
I think anytime you cycle you should use HCG... so your cycle could be HCG + an Anabolic... personally EQ isnt my favorite... I would rather do HCG + ...
Posted by: RONIN321 yeah i really like that idea, especially with the ace. but if youre going to do that, run the cabaser along with it from day one...
I would bump up my Tren dose until sides kick in... then back it off to find your dose without sides....
You should have asked this before you went to the store... I have a feeling you don't understand what happens during a cycle...Tell us your goals and ...
You still have test in you... plus havn't you been on HCG
[quote=oldark;160308]Thanks Visions!Got a ton of blood work done and should have results in a few days. So will keep you up to speed. As for Exeplex, ...
At 389 test level I would consider using Aromasin to bring your level to over 600 first... try it for a month and get blood work done... if all pans o...
Better check what the scale the test uses... mine was 200-821150mg of test e a week puts me @ 751 out of 821 = 91%