Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
Originally posted by rocky even if i don't feel hungry? How often a day do u eat bro? If u are eating 6-7 small meals a day..u should be relatively hu...
I drink my post workout meal. 2 whey shakes, 15 min apart and a carb drink, plus 5 g glutamine, 5 g creatine, mixed into the shakes. I will eat someth...
I get alot of complaints when I shave....she calls them "pokey"...i say ill show u my "pokey"...she slaps me....I sleep on the couch... I always liked...
If it gets u more pussy. I would definitly do what the woman wants.
10 1/2 years now. Seems like my entire life...lol
Alot of ppl seem to complain about winny. For me, it was amazing. The strength gains were unreal. By far my fav gear when stacked with test.
Run the test 1 week longer then the eq, start pct 2 weeks after your last test shot. 400 is fine, it really depends on what u did last cycle, and how ...
You know what, alot of guys slam cable movements for arms...however, cable preacher curls, IMO, are amazing... Unlike with dumbells your arms are unde...
Go let the doc cram a swab up your dick. Ull stop stickin it into "dirty" places after that. I wouldnt mess around with my dick like that, i maen just...
Originally posted by Valkyl not if u have to really run the nolva the whole cycle.. This was supposed to be something along the lines of what BigWill ...
eq with winny, cycle looks good, not if u have to really run the nolva the whole cycle.. running the clomid during the cycle wont do anything either. ...
Originally posted by Satan what about a deca only cycle??? do you like those?? j/k cute.
Nope, ive had red dots, red patches, soreness and zits at the pin site before. But ive never broken out in a rash.
Originally posted by kiwifruit I think, however, that it should be up to gym employees to point out glaringly bad techniques. Its rare to find a gym e...
Tell them u think they are cute and ask them if theyd like to go for a drink later, because uve never seen such beautiful eyes on anyone before. Then ...