Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
very normal....u can get those acid-like trails. Very common. Sit back and enjoy the show.
sounds like u crashed. But this really isnt my fortee. Wait for another opinion. Ask MassiveG.
sounds like u crashed. But this really isnt my fortee. Wait for another opinion. Ask MassiveG.
U dont have to run it at all, unless u start gyno symptoms. Then run it 40 mgs a day, till it clears up.
I would ask for injectables. Docs usually will give if u ask, most think that ppl are scared of self injecting.
o..k..a...y. Expect to get some major flames bro. The best suggestion I can give u. Is go get a membership at a gym. And hire a personal trainer to sh...
Originally posted by Mr. Testosterone I wouldn't say Dianabol is "important" with testosterone, it is more of a cycle-jumper than anything else... Thi...
Originally posted by Pharmhand Help! My head hurts.......can someone please read that thesis above and summerize, ya know cliff note me on it. To sume...
Move to the Cayman Islands quick! They are coming for u!
Twice a day isnt going to hurt u, lets put it that way.
Read this thread, read what Trop and data wrote (im starting to feel like a broken record/p>
Ya I would do what the hairy man says, speed training in the gym, alot of dynamic effort power exersizes... Glutamine 5-10 g a day also helps to aid r...
keep your diet clean, ya fish is good, eat alot of meals 6-7 a day, smaller portions, allways with a serving of protien. MOderate carbs, moderate fats...
protien. Lots of it. Water. Vit c, e. solid multi. nothing else is a "must" Take whatever works for u.
Originally posted by Darryl Eat clean Ditto, what u eat is what u get.