Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
Originally posted by ape I think we all have to learn to respect each others differences and acknowlege that we're all in this together. Let's put our...
Originally posted by the double M shut up valkyl I know u are but what am i?
T-Mag rules!!!
Originally posted by eqbuff Hey valkyl why don't you take your tai chi butt lovin peeps and back the fuck up motha fucka....im from the suburbs yo...b...
Originally posted by eqbuff valkyl you forgot that you ARE working more than just your bis arnd chest......you are working you back as well (wearing t...
What do u guys mean? I can't just train chest and bis? WTF? Someone explain this to me!!! I dont come at u guys and knock u guys for gettting big with...
I only drink protien shakes in water, ive heard alot about the milk slowing or hindering absorbtion of the whey...because of its fat content and the f...
Either is fine, i use 1.5 " for glute shots.
I dont think your understanding bro. Omna at 250 mgs EOD or 125 mgs ED shots weeks 1-3. Then u can start the enath at 250 mgs every week, thats fine.
If u dont have anythign fast acting I would strongly recommend running the omna, eod shots for at least weeks 1-2 preferably 3 weeks at the start. The...
If u are going to start by running the Om, then when u are done run the enath. Yes that is fine. What are u stacking with it? I would recommend somehi...
BigWill strikes again!!!!
Ya it should be fine. Np bro.
No, pain while injecting is not normal for most gear, the ones that sting quite a bit are water based gear....prop can be painful but it usually takes...
Originally posted by gusto77 LOL valkyl...thought I had ate some bad mushrooms! If u dont want this problems, stop eating mushrooms u find growing in ...