Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
Originally posted by Satan i agree with the chicken fucking, white rapper on this one. Translation?
Originally posted by Pinz Teach the guy how to spot BEFORE you let him spot you. Agreed. Tell the guy what u want him to do, hands on bar, hands off b...
I think u need to read up some more. No offence intended.
Seem young, but ull do it anyways eh? Dont much matter what I say. Run the dbol weeks 1-4 at 30-35 mgs ed, splitt into 3-4 dosages. run the sus eod to...
Vit C, garlic, echinacea...if u can keep liquids down, keep drinking protien shakes. sleep alot.
I would recommend ED shots, even smaller shots, but ED.
SUb-Q? Dont inject ANY steroid sub-q, Eq, deca, test it dont matter EVERYTHING is injected IM or Intra Muscularly. Please respond that u understand th...
I almost dittoed DT's response..but im at work and i need to waste some time right now. NO u do not need carbs. There are no essential carbs period. Y...
run 1 g of enath weeks 1-2, 800 mgs weeks 3-11. run the dbol weeks 1-4 35 mgs a day. run the winny weeks 8-13 50 mgs a day. Run the EQ,over deca, 6-80...
tris are painless, 6 day rotation is fine.
Wait this is the womens forum..oops didnt notice...excuse me if I stepped out of line ladies. I just post off the home page usually...
wow, I wouldnt be giving anyone clen at her BF%...thats scary dangerous..... More then anything I would be concerned about her diet. Alot of ppl do no...
Try doing tris with chest and bis with back...lets u hit them as primary and secondary twice in the same week, I find I can go alot heavier doing it t...
Originally posted by Admin the only impact this will have is on your wallet! Agreed 100%. If u want to spur on some new results, why not switch up you...
Most chinese food is very low in fat. Why not just get yourself a bucket of dry veal. I love that stuff..