Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
....sticks and stones may break my bones, but words, while doped up on these painkillers, will never hurt me...
Originally posted by buckhead good to know. i just moved to a new state. and trying to find legit shit. i dont want to look like a jerk asking guys in...
My best gains were off of a cycle of 1-AD, where I gained a rock hard 52 lbs of muscle in just under 14 hours. I am also full of shit.
Originally posted by acidsk8 Agree on the dosages LittleWilly but does he have enough there to make an effective cycle. He would want to go at least 8...
Diet vanilla coke.
Ultra wide grip chins, means holding the chinning bar at the very ends..like the absolute ends of the chinning bar, U do alot of hanging, and stretchi...
Originally posted by littlewilly I just haven't bought a muscle mag since 1967.........LOL Ya, but u didnt have to memorize them! Shoulda been focusin...
Originally posted by littlewilly Those old wide grip deads are called 'Reeves' deadlifts. You need theold style 45's to do them correctly. Admin shoul...
For developing the frame, super wide grip chins, wide grip deadlifts with the old "lipped" plates where u grap the plates and dead. For packing on the...
Barbell shrugs, Db shrugs, Heavy rows, Deadlifts, upright rows. Alternate heavy low reps and high reps. Alternate overhand and underhand grip on shrug...
Originally posted by AndyB_UK If your not a competitor, whats a good bf% to keep all year round? want to looks as good as can!!!!!! if u can maintain ...
Originally posted by littlewilly I suppose creatine and clen would be OK.....Nothing amazing, but I dont think it would hurt. Whenever I run slin I ru...
You will crash coming off of T3. Everyone always does, and if u dont have the self control, and the knowledge base to navigate the 2 weeks after takin...
Originally posted by princenas Thanks for the reply i appreciate it....... so with the Clen do you think it can really hlep preserve muscle and you ca...