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Joined: Jun 25, 2018
Last seen: Feb 26, 2024
Topics: 5 / Replies: 131
RE: Beneficial Winstrol cycle in absence of Tren anybody??

Posted by: guijr Is 50 mg (tabs)/day too much for a newbie? No, I consider that to be a minimum dose.

6 years ago
RE: Beneficial Winstrol cycle in absence of Tren anybody??

I have no objection to test + winny. It makes much more sense to me than winny alone.I honestly don't recall how long I ran winny in the past, it was ...

6 years ago
RE: Beneficial Winstrol cycle in absence of Tren anybody??

I always include test in every cycle and I recommend you do so also. I haven't done winny for a few years because it wrecks my cholesterol levels and ...

6 years ago
6 years ago
RE: Morning workout - Weights = DO YOU NEED TO EAT??

I would never lift without eating first. No energy and its catabolism city. I prefer complex carbs, protein, and some good fat like peanut butter. I a...

6 years ago
RE: Long term effect on reproduction

Its only compelling evidence if they've gone off and been unable to conceive. Most pros don't go off. We wouldn't expect them to conceive while on sev...

6 years ago
RE: Why is insulin done right after a workout?

I usually consume carbs and whey protein while I'm lifting, and after as well.

6 years ago
RE: Toxicity of synthol

Interesting. My triceps lag and occasionally I'll inject a cc or two of gear into them for a temporary boost. If synthol contains something that doesn...

6 years ago
RE: 1 week to go ! (Test E)

I don't care what any profile may say - Proviron has NEVER been shown to have any anti e effect. You rely on it to your own peril. It will NOT increas...

6 years ago
RE: Trenbolone and Winstrol Depot stack

Yes I have run test, tren, and winstrol and the visual results were great. I never cycle without test.I love tren but it does seem to make it harder t...

6 years ago
RE: Prolactin & orgasm in men

Well I didn't take it last night and don't plan to for a while. I will see the new gf Friday. We'll see how it goes.

6 years ago
RE: Prolactin & orgasm in men

Posted by: Nandi I'm not jb but if you take a look at my post in the thread on SSRI's and libido you'll note that it's thought that SSRI's (many anyw...

6 years ago
RE: Are my supplements causing bad breath or body odor? - HELP!

That's good to know I suppose but she's history anyway.

7 years ago
RE: Are my supplements causing bad breath or body odor? - HELP!

Posted by: headdoc Wonder if this is a case where she finds the odor offensive, yet turns her on. Could be your phermones. Do you use hormones? When ...

7 years ago
RE: Trap Tips?

I can't say they are specatular now, but I can tell you the best way to make them grow.Power shrugs using a barbell and big weight. This is not an exe...

7 years ago
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