Last seen: Jul 18, 2022
Posted by: gustavo77 As per the pct recommendations above, that is Anthony Robert's pct protocol and it is very flawed.HCG should not be used durin...
Afterthought. If you are deston to lose your hair, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Rogain a propecia will only work while they are being used,...
Use propecia or proscar. They are both the same drug, just in different doses. Rogain is FDA approved to re-grow hair, but won't do much while you're ...
Posted by: manbag83 Im 24 y/o, 5'11, 200lbs about 15% body fat give or take a percentage.Ive been lifting hard now for about 3 months but Ive been o...
Posted by: We_Are_Venom Also, you definitely don't need to run Nolva w/ the Arimidex for "extra protection", 0.5 mg/ED of the A-Dex should be plenty...
Posted by: bolicmind this is my 2nd cycle.. I was thinking of dropping the T-bol and just going with the Test and EQ. Is the T-bol worth it? Goal is...
a little late now, but I would try to run cyp or enth in the future. Also you're running a-bombs and t-bol at the same time, isn't that a little toxic...
I received both cyp and deca, and they were all in different sized vials. No need to worry, I'm guessing their supplier was on B/O and had to substitu...
They can come in just about any format from an UG, because they press and colour them using whatever they are equuipped with.How reputable is your sou...
I dunno man. british-dragon.org always delivered good stuff, without fail. Why would you want to change something that isn't broken?
You're going to do what you want anyways, so jsut make sure you do the due diligence and READ READ READ. This is serious business, and you are playing...
Diet 101Eat more claories than your bodyweight x 16. Break your diet up into 6 meals, and have your daily ratios equal 55% protein 35% carbs and 15% f...
What about good old cafiene? I either have iced tea or black coffee when I need an extra boost. It's a short high, but it'll get you started
Posted by: El Mucho I used Animal Stak several times when my friend at GNC would give it to me for free. It's just like any other over the counter a...