Last seen: Jul 18, 2022
Posted by: irishpride0769 whats your injection scheduale look like? hitting sust EOD? why do you feel that 750mgs of test isnt cutting it? 250 ...
Posted by: DoubleWide thats alot of test. how many cycles have you done and whats your weight at to be doign so much? i find throwing in some orals ...
Posted by: da_Fonz HUGE bump to IP.NPP is a great compund to add in when you want to get serious size and strength gains.You may also want to change...
Posted by: ironclad That's interestin IP.Did you use AI alongside the oral 2 weeker or just ride it out til PCT time?Just wondering, i've a load of ...
ALthough not all of us are gyno prone (myself for one), there is no escaping the fact that the excess testosterone will aromatise into estrogen and ca...
Posted by: Cannons EOD with two injection spots is not a great idea bro.It doesn't give time for everything to absorb and you stand the chance of an...
Posted by: ncard I have a few questions for you;1. What length and gauge are you using?2. Do you handle and store the vial in a very sterile manner?...
Posted by: Cannons It just recently started happening?Did you switch vials? What's your injection rotation? Yep just this week, and no vial cha...
Tren will help you with bodyfat if you are running T3 in conjunction. Anoither good idea is to run your AI throughout your cycle to prevent any bloati...
Posted by: gustavo77 I recently read an article (i'll try to find it) that claimed that clen actually destroyed heart cells....i know i'll never tou...
Yes, it's called Stanoplex
Posted by: El Mucho Test C gives me really good pumps and huge muscle gains. Test E gives me good pumps but it made my dick shrink 3 inches, I grew ...