Last seen: Dec 14, 2023
in oil you can EOD. all the oil is going to do is slow it down from getting into your system, so it does work. what you feel from prop is usually an i...
oil is about 2 days in system for susp, but the prop will be in for about 4 days, it can be detected for a week roughly depending on your body
that would work aswell and i would do 5%mx for ba, I only didi that level as I had seen it somewhere on the net. I'm dropping mine down to 75/75 just ...
I would lower the ba....and up the bb, you feel it the next couple days. I've had it for 1 month and it hasn't fallen out of solution. I'm going to cu...
I just made a 100susp/100prop/ml took first shot today I will let you know how it pain upon ijection 8%BA 16%bb in oil
why would you want it that high, coming off would be like deflating a balloon. from what I have heard you can't
shep color and husky pattern.. nice looking pup
I know the feeling, trying to get the GF to let me havea another, but same thing too small of a house
Baza, cute pup, I ahve a 4yo female, I'm waiting until i have money and a bogger house them I'm getting a male.. she loves pups
its good bro, there are little green particals in it, its a imperfect one, you see tehre isn't really many, but they discolor all the others, I asked ...