Last seen: Jan 23, 2025
I'd probably need 20 mg on that much gear, but if you don't have any gyno symptoms at 10 mg why worry?
I'm going to PM you in a couple of minutes.
I'm 30 too and my T levels came in right at the bottom of the scale as well. I just started HRT about a month ago. It seems every where I turn, I see ...
Fox, anythings possible, but I'm betting the other medications you are on are interfering with your T levels in some way. I think the body's functions...
Hey bro, At your age, I would think the doc will do more tests before prescibing test or may refer you to an endocrinologist. MRI might confirm the pi...
I'm like Goanna in the sense that I don't like party's or big social gatherings. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin around a lot of people. I pre...
Gunz/MidnightRider, Curious what your dosages are bro's. I'm on 100 mg per week so far. Dying to know how my test results will come back. It's only be...
My family DR would not have equated the memory and concentration problems to low T levels but my HRT doc sure did. I do feel sharper since going on HR...
Originally posted by oxo What should I expect from this, if anything at all, in terms of mood and sex drive (which I got it for), and strength, muscle...
Thanks EatNphood, I believe the way allergy shots work is they give you a small dose of what you are allergic to. The hope is that by exposing your im...
Yeah, I think I've been scared off them now....
Originally posted by toolhole So if you just keep going back and say you feel like bitch on 200 a week will they up it for you? I would push it to at ...
Originally posted by Durabolin 200 a week isn't overkill? I thought 100 a week was usual? I agree, they usually start off small and work their way up ...