Last seen: Dec 20, 2020
Next time I have a few days off is probably the last week of October.
Last time I had a few days off...was in May.I travel a lot..Carbs have been down to lose weight (bread). Calories are probably 3000 a day.Weight is at...
Getting 8-9 hours of sleep a day...not overtraining is good...
Posted by: epote out of curiocity, why? I've never noticed any positive effects from EQ unless I was using 1200mg every week or higher.I think bang f...
I don't like EQ.It depends on your goals, but you CANT go wrong with Test/Tren.
Gotcha!Much thanks bro! Will let you know how it goes...
Yep, doing standing military presses with the barbell.Where could I find an example of a push press? I'm not familiar with it.Thanks quijr...
Posted by: jboldman running is not designed to resolve knee injuries! jb Oh, trust me...if I didn't have to run, I wouldn't.'s not one of my...
jb, what do you recommend for joint issues? I have a nagging knee injury and am doing a bit of running.Also, I'm battling some issues with my L1 throu...
Posted by: silverknight does anyone know any supplements that can be used to counter act the side effects that winny and tren have on you tendons, i ...
Posted by: jboldman i love the way my body reacts to 100mg/day of acetate but i become way to much of a bear and have to back off to save my marriage...
Best cycle I ever did was 50g Test Prop ed100g Tren Acetate ed50g Zambon Winstrol edWithout a doubt, I had my best physique using that cycle. The plus...
I have an issue with women who pull shit like that. My last "Ex-g/f" was like that...and one thing led to another on her end. When I'd make a compromi...