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Joined: Aug 30, 2022
Last seen: Aug 30, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
RE: Injection Site swollen

My posts earlier were for a friend..not for myself...I saw valkyl put "friend" and figured he must have thought I was trying to cover for myself...but...

2 years ago
RE: Injection Site swollen

thanks for the advice

2 years ago
RE: Injection Site swollen

Will the body absorb the winny or does he have to get it drained or see a Doctor? Is it possibly infected? He used a 1 inch needle.

2 years ago
RE: Injection Site swollen

IM..his shoulder is also a little swollen.. and its been 2 weeks since he shot there...but its nowhere near as bad as his ass.

2 years ago
RE: Injection Site swollen

He pinched the skin, stuck it in, then shot it...he forget to wipe the site with alcohol, but hes done it before and had no problems.

2 years ago
RE: Injection Site swollen

No, hes not runing a fever or showing any signs of sickness.. but his ass really hurts and is hot to the touch is he absorbtion rate just as high if y...

2 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 439