Last seen: Sep 26, 2024
This review is for all of the products I've used over my offseason and going into this contest prep. I've used British Dragon testabol prop, testabol ...
you have to reconstitute hcg, just like GH.If you get hcg thats allready liquified, it's either fake or ruined.you reconstitute with bac water.it has ...
i like it.I doubt your illnesss was casue from halo.Only thing it does to me on occasion is have an increased h/r
2lbs of fatloss thorugh dp would require upwards of 2 grams ed of ingested dnp. Having said this, if used for a period of 10 days in length, given the...
Posted by: dial_tone I've seen data indicating shutdown within 3 weeks at that dose. I don't see a point in cycling at that low dosage level. If you'...
put um in a coffee bean grinder and throw um in your protein shake
Posted by: Zircon supplychain i got a computrainer yesterdayhonestly a bit disappointed. I actually think the imagic top of the range would have been...
2 srm's(raod bike track bike.Polar power on MTN bike and computrainer
detection time of EPO IM injection?Anyone?
it doesn't matter what you eat, just eat clean.YOu have mcdonalds or pizza once or twice a week, just don;t go overboard.You need to reward yourself.i...
60 lb is very realalistic in a 4-6 motnh period.Whats your BMR?you can't lose weight untill you know how many Kcals it takes to live.?30 minutes of ca...
depends on your total workout duration. If over an hour then yes, i would take a small protein/carb drink during the entire workout, not just after or...
As athlets we all know, or should know, the average person can store 45 minutes of ATP, while people that train in the range we do can store up to 70 ...
alot of people in here are throwing around the idea of halo and i've suggested it myselfHas anyone here taken it?The shits no joke and should be treat...