Last seen: Jan 23, 2024
This is a review for the last few orders I've gotten thru kalpapharm. Now that I have a chance too, as well as report about the results I'm getting. I...
Posted by: Ironworker You're not dosing high enough to control gyno while on-cycle. You need 10-25mg/day of Letro to drop estrogen by 90%+. The dose...
I am very sorry to hear that bro, really! I feel ya and gyno flares just suck ass! I have a question though, were the old lumps gone before you starte...
Ahhhhh, A moderate high dose of Sus450/Deca/Npp/Winny/D-bol. Something along those lines anyways!
Well hot damn! I am glad I posted that! We are family here bro! Yeah, Spanish jeans seemed to have once had my Cuban Women in that boat. Made her a si...
Posted by: Dmf1981 Ok dude I almost didn't even reply to this cause you have no clue what I do for a living. If you did you would know I don't have ...
Visions is da MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy I'm glad I came here!
You know what!!!!! All this gyno talk made me start touching and feeling on my breast. And in my left nipple area I feel lil' knot there, but don't no...
Starquest concurs with 4th, Biggin, IW.
Dude, I got dizzy reading this. Is this your first cycle as Biggin asked?
Never heard this debate before. Just like TM said though. Half life is super short, on orals. I would think if you are running a high dose 40-60mg ED,...
Bro, it took me like 5-6 weeks before I could sit or stand quickly the day after injection. I was only running 650mg EW broke into 3 shots. I can only...
Posted by: soundoff BI, why don't you ask them to make it in that dose? I'm sure they will listen to you and take it into consideration. If I am not m...
Even on my first cycle ever, Test-E and D-bol. I didn't notice it right away. About week 3 I was feeling tight and strong. Week 5 and I was blasting l...