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Joined: Jun 27, 2018
Last seen: Nov 21, 2019
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5
ZPHC Testosterone Mix

I'm on trt and was nearing the end of implant "cycle" when levels are at the lowest (my doctor sucks, I'm leaving him soon). I had labs done and total...

5 years ago
RE: BodyPharm.Biz Reviews

Bodypharm review. Messages answered in a day or so. Clear English and polite. Delivery time was a little longer than normal but it stil arrived within...

6 years ago
RE: Long R3 IGF-1?

Dear ______,We will be initiating our Phase III study for Growth HormoneInsensitivitySyndrome (Laron Syndrome) toward the end of the 2nd quarter thisy...

6 years ago
RE: Long R3 IGF-1?

Nandi, if IGF-1 is anabolic, then what reason do you have to beleive LR3IGF-1 is NOT anabolic?Why dont you email Gropep, cause I did, and they said it...

6 years ago
RE: Long R3 IGF-1?

Nandi, no flame bro, but I beg to differ. Look at stackboy, I hear that same story, from everyone ive ever spoken to whose used LR3IGF-1, not one pers...

6 years ago