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Joined: Jun 25, 2018
Last seen: Mar 24, 2020
Topics: 2 / Replies: 49
RE: Prolactin & orgasm in men

If they could, they'd be selling it

6 years ago
RE: Prolactin & orgasm in men

I wonder why prolactin secretion would affect males but not females.

6 years ago
RE: Implants question

Posted by: JOEYZ Im gonna have to go the other way on this one. I know a bunch of girls with them under the muscle and several of them lift. One in p...

6 years ago
RE: Implants question

Posted by: tee Thank you for the advice. Her doctor was telling her that lifting weights would tighten the chest muscle which in turn would press aga...

6 years ago
RE: Implants question

well, I'm no expert, but I had implants placed under the muscle and have experienced no adverse affects when I lift.Truthfully, I don't see how a flui...

6 years ago
RE: Artificial Sugar Like Aspartame

Except I've read that drinking diet soda gives you a taste for sweet things.People I know who don't drink much soda will have a few bites of a dessert...

6 years ago
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