Last seen: Mar 24, 2020
I have used 90% of kalpa's line of gear in over 8 orders including his hgh. All products are good quality, lots of strength and gains from his testost...
Re: What is the best way to eat Oats? Posted by: SLIVER Hey guys. As far as nutrition goes, to be able to get the most out of oats like the Quaker oa...
Posted by: guijr Cut about 500 kcal a day and add low intensity cardio 2 times a day, after your AM strength training workout and at 6:00 PM again. J...
Posted by: jboldman sw 223 cw 220 twl 3lbsi almost forgot natty peanut butter. sonic, try adding a tablespoon of natty pb to that oatmeal and it will...
well i think i weigh a tad more than you sonic. but i would say that is the right proportion. if you want to maintain the healthy aspects of the meal ...
Re: Re: leg training around injuries Posted by: guijr Not an easy job. If you have a history of lumbar disk injury you have to be careful with the sq...
I just did a class yesterday, it is a great low impact way to get your heart rate up.Depending on your gym, most of the classes have complex combinati...
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I can tell you that Effexor is *awesome*. I have never felt so good in my entire life.That being said...
oh, p.s. I'm not a sex addict (I just read your specialty), nor do I have religious hangups.I just like sex on a regular basis, that's all. Sonic
Posted by: headdoc The majority of sex addicts I treat here in Phoenix have either Catholic or Mormon backgrounds. If you or the others posting on th...
I took 3 mg about an hour before we had sex - I'm fairly sensitive to its effects, 3 mg is plenty for me. I think 20 would kill me The sex was great, ...
I've tried the yohimbe, it didn't cause any problems, but it didn't overcome the orgasm problem either.Besides, I'm not anxious, I'm TENSE <in bobc...
can this combo overcome the "inability to orgasm" side effect of SSRIs? I really like being on them, but didn't want to give up sex (gee, I wonder why...
If they could, they'd be selling it