Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Anthony Roberts believes sarms should be followed by pct. I don't agree with all his protocols, dosages ect. I do like and respect him however and you...
All that and seriously hinders wo recovery.
Re: Anyone else working their way back? Posted by: ready2explode Venting thread:The last 9 months have been tough as hell on me. I've torn two ...
Posted by: Magnesium that depressed feeling is a bitch... I've managed to recovery from every other time i've messed myself up, just gotta be patie...
I was seriously thinking about competing at state level bodybuilding contest. That's why it's depressing for me. Might not get back to that level. Pre...
Yep. If I think too much about it I get depressed tho. I think I'll eventually get pretty close to where I was.
I'd run the hcg wks 3-6. Do the last inj a couple days before last var tab. Pct will go better this way.
Considering your goals I think it looks like a pretty good plan. Var has been shown in studies to actually reduce bf. Should get pretty good strength ...
Don't wanna log on here but I did delts and back today. Stength was up, recovery from last wo was good. Have to say Pills is right. This works quite w...
Kinda soon to talk about results Pills. I'll say this tho. Recovery was fine. Feel about the same as usual. The test will be if endo insulin spike is ...
Piston, take this thread to Havana! LOL sorry dude we hijacked this thread big time.
Did my first wo this way today. Slammed 100 grams of carbs and 80 grams protein pre/during. Also took 10 grams creatine. Trained chest, bis and tris. ...
I'm going to do a preworkout drink with dextrose,whey and creatine monohydrate. Take bcaas and other aminos with it. Then drink carbs/protein during a...
Right, and should get an endo insulin spike from pre wo carbs. Catecholamines also cause some insulin resistance. So chromium might be a good idea.
This is anecdotal but when taking pre wo slin, I used pre/during wo carbs/protien. Just to keep from going hypo. I also did a pwo meal about an hour l...