Seabiscuit Hogg
Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 442
RE: bete-alanine for increased endurance

That's what I wanted to hear.

5 years ago
RE: bete-alanine for increased endurance

I know about the niacin but the article said something about slow release beta-alanine. I'll just stagger the doses tho. Kind of a pain when you can't...

5 years ago
RE: bete-alanine for increased endurance

Hmm sounds like I should be using this. Is the tingling as bad as niacin? Anyone taking the timed release?

5 years ago
RE: Selenium Helps Blood Sugar Health in Men

Thanks. Good read. I learned at least a couple things from that.

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Posted by: pillsbury yes.. but from what i understand if you have full levels of atp to begin with and doing a heavy single only you wouldnt need t...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Posted by: pillsbury im very sensitive to carbs also but depending on how much work im doing i will adjust all my carbs to peri window. another thi...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Posted by: pillsbury no your not stronger it just feels better. there is a huge difference. its mental, not physical. the above statement does not ...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Posted by: pillsbury no. i thought about checking out the definition online but am too lazy. lol you know that I got fired up for a minute whe...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Well if the actual amount you're lifting goes up, aren't you stronger. I figure the reason it works better for legs in because you get a lot more glyc...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

In another thread where I was talking about glycogen and creatine increasing leverage. This was from the old school idea of loading creatine to draw w...

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Right I'm going to be doing strength training the whole time or I wouldn't do bench. It does work better for legs.

5 years ago
RE: German volume training

Does anybody know the meaning of alternating? You guys sound like you're trying to discourage something I already know works.

5 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 1813
RE: Sarms PCT

Posted by: ready2explode Quickest way to learn using yourself as a guinea pig is to have bloodwork done. safest way also.

5 years ago
RE: Sarms PCT

Yeah, it probably downregulates thru the ar. That would mess your pct up.

5 years ago
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