Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
I'm wondering if a glass of grapefruit juice would be enougth for my reg pwo drink. I usually do about 50 grs of dextrose. Don't wanna jack my blood g...
Good find!
Posted by: pillsbury he did mention acute post-exercise...nothing about what your body is doing after and we all know hormones play a role in ...
I found some stuff online but nothing about carbs/glycogen. This is something I've been playing around with anyway. Kinda goes back to old school "Mus...
Re: Re: Muscle growth Posted by: Piston The end part sounds a lot like a theory touched on by Zatsiorky in Science and Practice of Strength Tra...
Test-e is always good. Hope you reach all your goals. Strebgth, size or whatever. Later bro
The feeling's mutual about posts' hotrocks. I always read all yours. You doing ok?
Hi hotrocks I have to deal with more that my fair share of aholes. Thanks to my friends, I'm making a nice rally tho. Body, soul and spirit!
I've been using both by taking mono on high carb days and cce on lower carb days. The cee is running out tho and I've got plenty of monohydrate
Posted by: Bilter its going very well. I added 1iu of insulin to my Carbless Post workout protocol to enhance protein synthesis, help shuttle nutri...
Posted by: Bilter Now on week 6 of my GRF / Ipam peptide cycle. I should also mention that I am also running test e/ Tren E@ 600mg / 400mg PW.My go...
Actually, I did that 1 day. Haha
Yeah, the only bad thing about how you look on tren is the white chickenpox on your neck. Lol. You hear a lot about GHRP-6 making you hungry but the G...
You're doing a really good job Bilter! How much cardio are you doing and how do you time it with pulse?
Posted by: Bilter I started Ipamorelin / Mod GRF 1-29 @ 100mcg / 100mcg 8 days ago. I'll post up how it works in comparison to the GHRP 6 / CJC sta...