Seabiscuit Hogg
Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 442
RE: Partial reps /Static Contraction

Your better off focusing on core movements and doing exercises with a full range of motion. 60 grams of protein huh? A lot of times I eat more than th...

7 years ago
RE: Cardio when bulking?

I agree with the above posters. If you are trying to make slow lean quality gains traditional is better. If you are doing bulking and cutting, the spr...

7 years ago
RE: Anyone else working their way back?

Re: Anyone else working their way back? Posted by: ready2explode Venting thread:The last 9 months have been tough as hell on me. I've torn two differe...

7 years ago
RE: Anyone else working their way back?

Posted by: Magnesium that depressed feeling is a bitch... I've managed to recovery from every other time i've messed myself up, just gotta be patient....

7 years ago
RE: Anyone else working their way back?

I was seriously thinking about competing at state level bodybuilding contest. That's why it's depressing for me. Might not get back to that level. Pre...

7 years ago
RE: Anyone else working their way back?

Yep. If I think too much about it I get depressed tho. I think I'll eventually get pretty close to where I was.

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Posted by: Alpine Could you (or anyone else) expand on why you think its a bad idea? Pheedno has quite a bit of information on the subject in that lin...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

I don't understand the purpose of using SERM's and L-dex concurrently. It would probably be better to start the L-dex at the end of PCT to prevent est...

7 years ago
RE: Prop vs Test E or C

Test doesn't cause hairloss unless you are already genetically predisposed to MPB. Unless you're like me. Everytime I start getting big and freaky loo...

7 years ago
RE: Calves vs. Quads!?

Uh......calve injections are more painful and make you limp. That's about it.

7 years ago
RE: Could Stacking 1-test With Test Result In Less Gains

Posted by: duque21 You have a great misuderstanding about 1-test.IT IS NOT androgenic..purely anabolic. I think you have the misunderstanding bro. 1-t...

7 years ago
RE: Successful treatment of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia

Does hmg stimulate sertoli cells? I always wondered if hcg and fsh would be the way to treat this.

7 years ago
RE: Hcg Instead Of Test

Posted by: liftsiron If you want to get the most from the cycle you need to run test with the tren. Use the hcg to keep your boys full. I agree normal...

7 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 3761
RE: carbs before depletion workout

Posted by: Wheelies I don't have a direct answer but here are a few things to think about :1. A well trained athlete's body can store 1500- 2000 calo...

7 years ago
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