Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Thats' pretty resonable expectations. I would divide the TE into two injections. Say one on mon and thurs. Hcg will prevent testicular atrophy and hel...
Just reduce your carbs, supplement for the high cholesterol, and get active in the gym again with an emphasis on cardio.I think that's why ppl let the...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fina and Winstrol Depot stack Posted by: guijr 30 minutes before working work and before sleep as well? I was trying to get t...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fina and Winstrol Depot stack Posted by: Race Bannon It used to be thought that there was some mystical way that Win-V caused you to ...
Have you already finished pct?
half that much is pretty effective.
Test prop is the best choice, IMO. T.prop and TA have about the same half life and are both oil based so they can be injected together. There are a to...
You don't want too much mass or heavy pumps if you're boxing. I like guijr's low dose test idea.
Tren without test makes mr winkie sad. Tren And winny makes shoulders hurt bad.Test and tren makes everybody glad.
I like barbell shrugs better anyway. If you lean forward, you get a better range of motion.
The biggest my traps have ever been is when I was doing sl deads followed by heavy shrugs. I always do sl deads off the rack, so since the weight was ...
Posted by: jboldman Why does the word obfuscation come to mind here! jb I thought it was enlightening. The Lord gave us GABA receptors too. I wonder ...
Posted by: Nandi12 You doctors. Haven't you heard about all the benefits of nicotine? Yeah but you have to stack it with beer or coffee.
That's the last fat deposits to go for some of us. Diet, cardio and patience.
Yeah I think the 6-8 rep range works well for most ppl. Focusing on basic movement like flatbench, squats, deadlifts, rows and shoulder presses first ...