Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Oh yeah, I only have a 7 in wrist and my bi's are 18. So I wouldn't worry about that article too much.
It's far to early to worry about muscle bellies and wrist size. Bone growth is stimulated thru weight training. Looks like you have decent potential t...
If you're talking about whole body workouts or two day splits, with a focus on heavy compound movements. I'd say go for it. This is a great way to get...
Posted by: guijr For me (as a natural athlete) doing cardio first thing in the early morning on a empty estomach always led me to lose muscle mass. I...
Doing cardio in the morning worked pretty good for me in the past. No/low carbs in your first meal will also help.
This subject raised some questions in my mind.(as discussions with nandi often did) If you run SERMs along with AAS do they still increase SHBG or doe...
Posted by: ersatz I think you're referring to me with the shbg and increased clearance. The original poster asked if lowering SHBG would increase fre...
I agree. clen is too catabolic to use during pct.
I like training heavy and doing pump a set for the last set. It seems to help wth recovery.
Nice post! You left out getting enough sleep.
Posted by: jboldman it is really important to take BOTH a pre and a post workout supplemental protein.jb Good question. I never have simply because I...
Hmm... I've been wondering for some time why using SERMs concurrently with tren seemed to reduce testicular atrophy.(this is purely anectdotal of cour...
You seem to have the right attitude and approach. I'll leave the lecturing to others. Make sure you follow thru on the pct tho and don't fall into the...
You didn't say what your age is. If you're in your early 20's we need to give you a lecture first. Then you'll probably go and do it anyway. LOL