Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Posted by: jboldman i have been a fan of test undecanoate for soem time. there are many studies that support its use.jb It has to be injectable thoug...
Posted by: adey888 try different mixes and measurements out and you post away with heaps of recipes....be surprised what tastes you will come up with...
Posted by: adey888 hey seabiscuit..how are we friend ??i tried your recipe and wow....to my surprise it really does taste damn good ..keep it up regs...
Posted by: gassy I know a lot of people advise against it, but i drink 6 a day. That explains your user name.
I wondered more about the logic of stacking masteron with tren, since they're very similar in effect. Tren is considered better for strength tho.
Posted by: Andy13 Phytosterols (plant steroids) are particularly effective at lowing cholesterol. Additionally, soluble fiber (psyllium husk) has als...
Posted by: Dodnof Calcium supplements just dont taste that good with a big peanut butter and jelly sandwich!! LOL. That's what I'm talking about. I u...
I think jb and Nandi pretty much nailed it. Weight gains from estrogen are merely fluid and strength gains are from leverage due to the fluid. If you ...
You could also add a hi GI carb to your first meal.
You don't have to take creatine preworkout to get the pumps from it. Creatine will absorb better if you put it in your postworkout recovery shake. Als...
It just looks like a rehashing of the old idea of tapering to me. Actual recovery of the HPTA isn't going to begin till wk 4. The idea of using Clomid...
Posted by: guijr Is 50 mg (tabs)/day too much for a newbie? No. I agree with Trev. It's a good moderate starting dose.
Posted by: SpruceGoose Alright, in that case, should I just get winny (tabs), or just drink the solution? Do they both the same effect on one's liver...
Posted by: SpruceGoose Understood sir. Two reasons for not using tren:1. I will be injecting the winstrol too, that +tren equals tons of injects. Thi...