Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Posted by: Big Cat Good lord, there are really still people (let alone on this board) who think there is such a thing as classI and classII steroids ...
Posted by: guijr BC, how many mg of nolva do you consider a high dose?And what is your opinion about anadrol regarding muscle and strength gains?Are ...
Posted by: Black Baccara The problem is the first blood peak which give supraphysiological T levels and HPTA inhibition. Exactly. By the time the exo...
Posted by: BeLargeMini These types of studies infuriate me to no end. My specialty is neuropathology, and they have been trying to link so many lifes...
Posted by: pSimonkey maybe we could start a well researched study/rumour that chocolate increases muscle size and definition I could never trick myse...
Posted by: SWALE I think it is a mistake to take ANY medication without proven need. But "proven need" exists for, for instance, at a gram a week, IM...
Posted by: epote am i the only one that got tight as a fuck from var?those damned pumps all day long ugh. Could possibly be my training, but test was...
2 iu's is a very conservative dose. You probably don't have to worry about going hypo as long as you're eating some carbs. Carbo force looks like a pr...
As a rule of thumb, you should injest 10 grams of simple carbs(sugar) per iu of insulin following the injection. This prevents you from going hypo. Mo...
Posted by: puyore is pure PE available for small sales to private consumers? You can get it in just about any drugstore. Just look at generic nasal d...
Posted by: liftsiron I think that this is the most accurate to be found.Time Anabolic Steroid / Performance Enhancing Drug 18 months Nandrolone Decan...
Posted by: Black Baccara Why ?? Just based on the fact that I retain water more with TU than TE.
ceosm- The camphibolic looks like something I'll probably try. My skeptcism was about using TE during pct. You're right, it's probably not going to hu...
That's interesting. I would have assumed that TU would aromatize more readily.
Posted by: Black Baccara In hypogonadal men ?@FluffyI am interesting by your graph.Schering has put on the market a new product called Nebido, they c...