Seabiscuit Hogg
Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 442
RE: Supressing - deca vs. test

Is there any real scientific proof of progesterone causing gyno? Every time I've heard an anecdotal report, there was always another drug involved, us...

6 years ago
RE: Supressing - deca vs. test

Posted by: Big Cat In women such would be the preferred treatment because anti-estrogens are simply not an option. In men, its an entirely different ...

6 years ago
RE: Supressing - deca vs. test

Posted by: FContact LiftsIron was not saying galactorrhea had anything to do with gyno. I know he has a good understanding on prolactin and the role ...

6 years ago
RE: How do you lower libido ?

Posted by: JGUNS Absolutely positive 100%.They may perceive themselves as having a higher libido, because when taken in high enough doses, you are pr...

6 years ago
RE: Training on Juice

amen. Thank you GettinSwole!

6 years ago
RE: WINSTROL: what max dose ?

Posted by: Tazmaniac Watch your hair and joints...100mg a day made my hair thinner and my elbows hurt like a motherfucker...Everyone is different...e...

6 years ago
RE: Spring Cutting Cycles

I've heard from a several ppl that test, tren and masteron make a very good stack. Thinking about trying the masteron myself.

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

BC, what would be a good OTC potassium supplement if someone were using an ACE blocker and diuretic?

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Posted by: jboldman hemogenin, those were the days, eh SB? jb yep, good ol days. I wish we knew then what we know now.

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Posted by: guijr Did you use to get sick while on Brazilian Anadrol (Hemogenin)? Hemogenin is bad, evil stuff. If you get any of it, you should send ...

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

The sides are overstated. I'd say it has more to do with not being able to maintain the gains.

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Posted by: Big Cat Yes, that is also the only reason I consider anadrol an advanced drug, it takes someone who knows what they are doing to safely an...

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Posted by: ready2explode How is it that you post the shitty information and I get flamed? Get your head out of your ass. Spammin the BB boards LOL

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Posted by: jboldman and stacking with another oral is like inviting problems with your liver. All the talk of bloat is way overblown, i remember doin...

6 years ago
RE: Oxymetholone

Winny won't help with side effects. Controlling BP takes care of the headachs., never experienced lethargy from it.

6 years ago
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