Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
I've noticed that prop and enan have more positive effect than other esters. Perhaps because they aromatize less?
As long as you have nolva on hand there's nothing to worry about.
That would probably even be better, since looking in the mirror is pretty subjective.
Posted by: guijr During dieting down if I don't have a complete protein shake, I mean with about 50 grams of whey plus 100 grams of malto, I would en...
There is a serious flaw in that study. If you're trying to prove that aromatization plays a role in GH production, why would you use a SERM instead of...
This is not scientific but I used it for pct and it seemed to work quite well. Reminded me of cyclofenil. It's not very easy to suspend tho.
or low dose t3.
and you're not using an ai?
Why not use low doses of something that aromatizes readily?
Os wanna buy some estradiol patches?LOL
Posted by: HugeDeep are you referring to the oral form? what about regular injectable tren/fina?? The best place for it is in the glutes.
Posted by: jboldman looks interesting. many years ago i was into the arginine/ornithine thing and i believe you to be correct you are taking too litt...
Yep. The ol "more is better" philosophy just don't hold water......well sometimes it holds water.If lifts says tren/masterol is a good stack, it proba...
Posted by: smellycatt I've been wanting to try this bad, but I'm worried about my temper. Maybe a light dose of tren the first time...Thoughts on dos...
Posted by: MarcusW Not neccesarily.I'm training twice a day 6 days a week:mon lower body (AM), upper body(PM)tue rowing (AM), cycling(PM)wed lower bo...