Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
That's where all my scar tissues is at. I learned a long time ago where the best injection sites are.
Posted by: jboldman yes, i just mentioned them in another post. i am calling htis a limited success since it is now two days on one injectin and one ...
Might hurt but, if you try it, I want to know.
Posted by: jboldman why not, so far nothing, no swelling or redness, i am going to do another .5ml today.jb Yeah I was thinking the disipation from t...
Hmm wonder how this would work with TU.
This is getting interesting. Keep us posted.
So I'm guessing you're using a high bb % to hold it in solution and thin enough to go thru a slin pin? This might be the the perfect solution to try t...
Are you using slin needles?
Thought about it but never tryed it. If anyone does I want to know.
Posted by: guijr In your opinion that maintainance dose is higher than a typical TRT dose? I'm doing 250 mg of test/week is double the tradicional TR...
Posted by: guijr Girls gonna love to receive that amount on them . Can't wait to try it. That would be 'in' them for me. You'd have a better chance o...
Posted by: guijr Very true, but do you agree that gear promotes weight gain as well specially Anadrol? There's no doubt about that but I've done anad...
Posted by: Wheelies The good old stand by: Fish Oil!!I haven't read anything bad about it and seem to remember reading about it's ability to suppress...
Posted by: guijr I'm not sure, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems that weight gain is a must for increasing LDL and lowering HDL, most oral promotes rapid...
Posted by: guijr Just a reminder while on pubmed.com. Keywords: hdl cholesterol nutrition. just post the study