Seabiscuit Hogg
Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 442
RE: Ab wheel

Doesn't sound like you need to add anything.

5 years ago
RE: Ab wheel

Posted by: jboldman what does it loook like? i have been using my ab straps almost exclusively every time three times a day and my abs are better now...

5 years ago
RE: Ab wheel

Posted by: Trevdog I haven't really used an ab wheel and maybe I should, my low abs are never sore. My low abs were already sore from the nautilus ab...

5 years ago
RE: Ab wheel

Posted by: jboldman what does it loook like? i have been using my ab straps almost exclusively every time three times a day and my abs are better now...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 1311
RE: Pgcl

That's pretty much what I figured. The sides sounded a lot like PGF2A.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1160
RE: T3 and weight loss

Great repost. What Nandi said about keto diets would probably apply to CKDs too?

5 years ago
RE: Clomid and Nolvadex

I wouldn't do either one. Measure it with a syringe(without the needle) and squirt it in the back of your mouth. Clomid taste nasty.

5 years ago
RE: short term low dose test in trained athletes

Posted by: jboldman well what does a typical enduro guy weigh?jb Their dose would be lower but they still might be able to do a sus 250

5 years ago
RE: short term low dose test in trained athletes

Posted by: ready2explode For AAS using bbers it is. Not bad for a bridge dose tho.

5 years ago
RE: short term low dose test in trained athletes

Posted by: guijr Indeed, it does. For me it's about 350 mg of test per week. It was 318 for me. Just dieted down to 200.

5 years ago
RE: oral only cycle

Posted by: MrAnderson I've heard oxy will put muscles on a tomato but can be quite a powerful aas for a first time user. Oxymethalone is not a very g...

5 years ago
RE: 2nd Cycle...Thoughts?

That's a fairly drastic drop in total mg AAS between weeks 1-6 (1150) and weeks 6-12 (~600). I'm not saying that you can't do it that way and still pr...

5 years ago
RE: Just Susta cycle

Posted by: guijr Roger that, but which one will I use? Only you can tell me . If ur using sust and TA and you take them both eod you will be breaking...

5 years ago
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