Seabiscuit Hogg
Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 442
RE: First cycle in a while, some easy questions

I just never liked doing them. Wasn't saying not to. If I'm using long acting esters then it's all glutes and quads.

5 years ago
RE: First cycle in a while, some easy questions

I'm wondering why too. You don't lift with glutes, except on squat day. Never liked delt injt.

5 years ago
RE: Hello everyone....

Yep good store. Welcome.

5 years ago
RE: Acomplia

True and depression is not a minor side.

5 years ago
RE: home brew powders

You put ba twice haha. I'm guessing the 10 0/0 one is bb.

5 years ago
RE: home brew powders

Yes it is good to see you here BK. Should have took the time to say that in my last post on this thread. Read a lot of the stuff you've wrote.

5 years ago
RE: home brew powders

I aways heated them together with short esters. Enanthate is a little harder to mess up..

5 years ago
RE: subcutaneous strategy

I've rotated sites much like jb said. The back of the tris work well for some too. How long have you been on these and what are results?

5 years ago
RE: How many actually do cardio?

Ha ha you have to trick yourself into not going heavy. Sounds like me.

5 years ago
RE: taurine

Does nicotine have a negative effect on the taurine benefits? I generally have a rub with NOS drinks.

5 years ago
RE: taurine

Looking at the study makes me wonder why arginine isn't in the drink. I supplement arginine and ornithine anyway so 2-3 grams of taurine daily should ...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1369
RE: oral steroids

Sorry to hear that big cat. It's been a rough year me also (bad auto accident, divorced while I was in recovery ect).I stand corrected on the phs. I m...

5 years ago
RE: oral steroids

Prohormones are basically oral steroids. There used to be some pretty decent ones available in the US but not now.As BC said, some were very harsh, bu...

5 years ago
RE: oral steroids

I don't think m1t is legal anymore.

5 years ago
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