Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
I just never liked doing them. Wasn't saying not to. If I'm using long acting esters then it's all glutes and quads.
I'm wondering why too. You don't lift with glutes, except on squat day. Never liked delt injt.
Yep good store. Welcome.
True and depression is not a minor side.
You put ba twice haha. I'm guessing the 10 0/0 one is bb.
Yes it is good to see you here BK. Should have took the time to say that in my last post on this thread. Read a lot of the stuff you've wrote.
I aways heated them together with short esters. Enanthate is a little harder to mess up..
I've rotated sites much like jb said. The back of the tris work well for some too. How long have you been on these and what are results?
Ha ha you have to trick yourself into not going heavy. Sounds like me.
Does nicotine have a negative effect on the taurine benefits? I generally have a rub with NOS drinks.
Looking at the study makes me wonder why arginine isn't in the drink. I supplement arginine and ornithine anyway so 2-3 grams of taurine daily should ...
Sorry to hear that big cat. It's been a rough year me also (bad auto accident, divorced while I was in recovery ect).I stand corrected on the phs. I m...
Prohormones are basically oral steroids. There used to be some pretty decent ones available in the US but not now.As BC said, some were very harsh, bu...
I don't think m1t is legal anymore.