Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
No but I bet they've got a lot of protein grs in them. Where would you get them?
Yeah, I kinda figured that. Giving em flaxseed could be their way of producing 'better' eggs.
I thought the flaxseed fed chickens might be eggland's best. They do have a lot more omega 3's. Of course this could be true of free range in general.
At least I don't start a thread that everybody's afraid to post in. LMAO
Ok where's the link?
Nolvadex XT is an AI. Anavar doesn't aromatize. Nolvadex won't elevate endogenous test while on var because HPTA will be suppressed. There's no reason...
Posted by: Bananaman ...but what if you only use your laptop for looking at porn? . It'll keep falling off your lap.
Novadex XT and arimidex are both AI's. Neither will increase endogenous test until you come off the var.
Damn! I take 1.5 grms ed. Didn't know it could make a hogg dangerous. Lol
Good find jb. I believe it also upregulates ARs.
I know one of the producers of sarms said they found a way to stop this side. I don't know where you got it but that could be the reason. How are you ...
If that's just the carbs from the whey. You should be fine.
Lol. You better empty your pm box BM.