Last seen: Feb 6, 2025
bump.......i also need some baking advice.
i remember you asking questions about insulin awhile back......from the above post i assume you've used it now. what have your results been like???
never liked pot. always had a problem with benzos and alcohol when i was younger.
i wrote a will, drank a bottle of tequilla and took 2 boxes of OTC sleeping pills and went to bed. did this when i was 19. i hated life so much i figu...
depression weakened me to the point of attempting suicide at one point. now my depression has liberated me. i no longer fear death and more importantl...
Originally posted by fozy going out and boozing does more damage in the Gym to me 100x more then pot........ keep telling yourself that, pothead:bigla...
Originally posted by BigWill Drink or lift. Make up your mind. what about lifting your drink?? is that ok??
Originally posted by Cutieface I wasn't talking about match.com.... i'm aware of that but there are many scams out there.
Originally posted by Cutieface Chris if she's trying to get you to "pay" to see her picks it's a f'n scam and stop all contact w/ her now hon..... the...
Originally posted by Hardcoregrowth1 You had your girl on Test? primobolan
you'll be fine
Originally posted by durakelt1 I think you'd do well to read about them, especially (early) buddhism. Why? Because when you criticise religion you are...
Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz OK. Substitute "man" for "hominid", "simian", etc. Adress the substance of what I posted. i'm confused. help me un...
Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz I'll play devil's advocate and present an argument: Let's consider the utility of the human hand, replete with thu...
Originally posted by durakelt1 Satan, what do you know about religions other than christianity, like hinduism or buddhism? not really that much. i kno...