Last seen: Nov 24, 2023
All AAS elevate my bp to some degree but some are definitley worse than others...
I usually drop a few sets for each bodypart but a try to keep my weights the same and I never have a problem losing size.
One hand shrugs are fine. I use them from time to time for variety.
As these other bros have said drive through the heels.
I agree with Fonz. I think compound movements should be the foundation of any workout. Especially, it you are trying to put on overall size. I think y...
I know they say it is an optimal injection site but it just seems like there is not that much meat there.
I always run tren (I prefer enathate) at 400-600mgs/wk and test at 750-1g/wk. I will usually kick start the cycle with Dbol at 40-50mgs/day for 6 week...
Since you are already 4 weeks in I would haold off on adding the sust. As joboldman said you are already starting to feel the effects of the test so j...
Packaged arrived in 2 weeks to the east coast. Ordered Nandrolone D 250 10ML(Deca) you could say im a deca junky. I just love deca.Been using their de...
Interesting. I'll definitely give it a try to shock my delts.
If they present any "proof" about the Dbol and tren converting to test I would be interested in seeing it because I have never heard that before.
Good read! Thanks for the info bro. I used HCG at 500mgs 3x a week. I ran the Nolva at 20mgs/day and the Clomid at 50mgs/day.
Bro I don't have any stides to cite but I do have my personal experience. I cycled heavly for 3 years straight never taking more tha 8 weeks off betwe...