Last seen: Nov 24, 2023
It's really up to you. I personally don't take a week off right after I finish up my cycle because I use alot of long ester stuff and its not really o...
I would definantly break it up into atleast two shots, but I prefer EOD.
Bro iam currently running Denkall 75's at 150mgs a day I am 4 wks in and my blood pressure is almost perfect 120/86 as of yesterday and I too have pro...
I go 1.5 for glutes!
If your goal is to bulk then go with the deca if it si to cut go with the winny(but use it ED) and a little adex.
Bro the only upside is that the gains will be lean and fairly easy to maintain but like littlewilly said unless the dose is pretty high the gains will...
I would go with the EQ over the winny.
My wife is currently using them and they are working really well. The only major side is chapped lips.
Bro you will be fine.
Personally, I think you will get good results either way. If you joints ache when you lift heavy then I would say Deca, otherwise I would go with EQ j...
I usually do min the AM.
100% legit gear been on the test for about 5 weeks and can definitely feel it. did a 4 week cycle of the dbol to kickstart everything and got great pu...
I have used higher doses of Tren E but or A I always run it at 75mgs EOD.
My ideal cycle is basic and fairly cheap...Tren E 300-400mgs/wkTest E 750mgs/wktbol 80mgs/day
Very interesting.