Last seen: Jan 18, 2024
I have been ordering from steroid.biz for four years now. Everything that I have ordered has given me the results I wanted with the combination of pro...
There are no studies proving milk thistle removes the toxins from your liver. I only run Liv52.
Posted by: bigfish81 started a winny cycle 2 ml a day, not tryin to get that big to qucik, its a job thing. what do i need to take after and during ...
Not smart for your uncle to give you one shot and call it a day. Besides that you said 3 hours later your sex drive was through the roof...placebo eff...
Aside from all the negatives that have been discussed repeatedly...If he takes Dbol his strength is going to go up substantially and his joints might ...
Posted by: bigguy what are your goals & what exactly would you like to run in your cycle? Weel either Deca or EQ or both...Will also have P...
Posted by: D.K. why would you not get the full effect from each? you would use lower doses of both like 200 to 300 of each per week, the water can b...
Posted by: bigguy i swell up like a fish from Deca...Eq makes me hungry & veiny...never had a problem with bloat from Eq...i use Eq at the begin...
Posted by: irishpride0769 whats your cycle experience Haha, i know i will catch flack for this cause of the tren but...Cycle 1...8weeksTest Cyp...
Posted by: nosnz28 hey rulez it looks like our next cycle is a good one haha everyone wants to take it peace nosn I am currently on Tbol and i ...
If you want a nice little jump start with lean mass i would go with Tbol.
You plan on making a new thread every other day you are on this stuff? Why not just start 1 thread and update it with progress reports instead of crea...
Posted by: IXISiDiuSIXI damn, that didn't help my decision one bit lol.thats it, im drawing from a hat.Thanks for the input guys :P. Gustavo i would...