Last seen: Dec 23, 2024
tren kicks my libido in SERIOUS overdrive! even more so than test. i love that stuff i'd say go with the enanthate... i've ran tren 75/day for 10-12wk...
when im doing the keto thing i use the "carbup" as an all out glutton fest. i eat ANYTHING i craved during the week. it helped keep me sane and strict...
i did a CKD style keto diet 2 springs ago... i was very strict during the week but after my friday workout, i'd have a protein only shake, then from d...
Originally posted by matrix23k I never gona go back on PH. we've saved one fellas!!! :p
Originally posted by Hardcoregrowth1 Were you expecting steroid-like gains from it? aahahahahaahahaaaa.... bet he spent a lot of money on it too. chal...
Originally posted by Raphael Argus Thanks. I've never tried doing it that way but always up for something new. Would using more then 500MGs be of any ...
you will put on weight while bulking up, and you will lose muslce while cutting. if you put on 30lbs (15muscle + 15 fat) and lose 20lbs of muslce tryi...
Originally posted by Doggmann ditto...10 weeks at 400 is better than 200 for 10, but 400 for 12-15 is even better.... yup
thats gonna be a lot of shots espeically with the suspension... you plan on doing it more than 1x/day? should be solid though
bro you'll knock that shit out no problem... have fun
did you get the whole procedure done with local?
stupid fuck... its people like you that cause the rest of our rates to go up.