Last seen: Mar 18, 2020
I mix tren, sustanon, deca and Equipose all in the same bottle and they mix just fine
I have ordered Anavar from these guys, and the results were tremendous. Has helped me with keeping my strength while losing weight.Was well packed, no...
hmmm...have u read the side effect ? hypercolestrolmania, increased in triglycerides, Edema, hypotension
another thing...make sure you do enough cardio...keep the blood flow....aas tends to thickens blood and that cause headache in some sensitive individu...
I have the same reaction..bad headache and eye pressure....after checking my blood pressure it is normal...but one thing was elevated was my cholestro...
don't worry if it is class c it should e fine they will mail u letter and tell u that it it countra...that's it. as long as u don't mess up with stuff...
mine got seized too couple months ago, I just told my supp to send still at the same address with make up name. anyway you will be the one to get it s...
we all have sometimes have to believe in something to make our live worthwhile, some believe in budha, some christian, some muslim some hindu some our...
Posted by: guijr What is the scientific name of his condition? Rhabdomyolisis
Posted by: jboldman In duchenne or becker's MD, oxandrolone has been shown to improve protein anabolism. this was published last month. I would be ca...
Posted by: waynowon hgh in combo with something else ? like Bonds? what you are looking for is a quick fix......ask our friends here...they have been...
Posted by: guijr Are you lifting weights on a empty stomach? I feel like s#@t whenever I do cardio on a empty stomach! I have no prob with cardio it'...
Posted by: Trevdog I never do any exercise without eating something first. Even when trying to lean out, I get some protein first, at least. Protein ...