Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 19, 2019
Last seen: Nov 17, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 45
RE: RoidsPharm.Net Reviews

Gets the job done! Axiolabs Test C - Great gains, little pip but nothing to complain about. Used this product in my last cycle. Strength increased a...

2 years ago
RE: successful stack with no test?

interesting point kata. I've got plenty HCG on hand to keep the boys in the barn.

5 years ago
RE: successful stack with no test?

Great refresher course! Thanks guys! Informative explanations. I actually added the test on friday, because I figured as much.

5 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 848
RE: Ipamorelin

That Tren makes one's skin look like it's painted over muscles and veins. Good work. I've been taking a morning one, then 4 hours later after training...

5 years ago
RE: Ipamorelin

I use it in combo with Mod GRF and GHRP2 2-3 times per day.

5 years ago
RE: is trenbolone the newest "SARM"

Wow. Great stuff. It would seem this study supports a lower dose test and higher dose tren cycle? Say 250test/400-600tren?

5 years ago
RE: is trenbolone the newest "SARM"

Ha, my itch is being scratched as we speak.

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

Really JB? I just tried that technique (without pinning) and it seems very effective. Hmm, I wonder if lats may be my next choice after glutes. How is...

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

I'm limping just thinking about it! I'd probably pin right into a trigger point and faint.

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

I just can't do delts and quads. the muscle is too grainy, hard and vascular there. It's like trying to stick a needle into a car tire with a bunch of...

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

Ah c'mon doc... jump on in!

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

well a bruise can happen whether you aspirate or not. If you it a blood vessel it may bleed out and cause some bruising. My massage therapist felt a l...

5 years ago
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

Why do you need both hands? Call me crazy, but I've never once aspirated. I've nicked a vein a few times I reckon and gotten a dreaded cough that last...

5 years ago
RE: losartan and LVM

Glad you posted this thanks! I've got my losartan on the way. I do get an irregular heartbeat occasionally, usually associate it with too high caffein...

5 years ago
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