Last seen: Jun 4, 2020
Posted by: acecombact1 i thought that its known fact some androgens increase collagens synthasis:Recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin but not dih...
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Posted by: bigj still the combination could be problematic. Why take chances?Estrogen and progesterone receptors in gynecomastia.Pensler JM, Silverma...
Posted by: Seabiscuit Hogg Is there any real scientific proof of progesterone causing gyno? Every time I've heard an anecdotal report, there was alwa...
Posted by: FContact LiftsIron was not saying galactorrhea had anything to do with gyno. I know he has a good understanding on prolactin and the role ...
Posted by: natron Why would you say it would not be a wise move in this case?For those who don't get laid frequently, I'd say it's a great option. As...
Posted by: natron codeine works well to prevent premature ejaculation.AnyhowRick So does heroin, but opiates would probably not be a wise move in thi...
Posted by: Big Cat I'm a scientist, I don't think that linearly and I the thought hadn't crossed my mind that you need 3 times the calories. But you ...
Posted by: Big Cat What I'm saying is that while synthesis returns to baseline after 2 days, doing 9 sets for arms one day, and 9 sets for chest with...
Posted by: Big Cat That training a body-part more than once a week will deliver very little extra result, and that this might explain why. It produce...
Posted by: Big Cat Maybe I'm the only one in this thread that seems to notice that protein synthesis may return to baseline after a certain time, but...
Posted by: JGUNS I may have jumped in late, but there is a difference between individual tolerance and "volume" needed. Volume is not necessarily wha...
Posted by: GettinSwole It will either increase # of days training or lengths of workouts. Not necessarily. If there's no change in overall volume wha...