Last seen: Jun 4, 2020
I also don't see any need to use two arms while doing glute injections. To aspirate I just use my thumb and the ring finger to pull the plunger while ...
Posted by: Seabiscuit Hogg I only take 81 mgs of aspirin too. Does acetaminophen limit protein synthesis at all? It's not an nsaid. Apparentl...
Posted by: rhinofight Wouldn't the hinderance of protein synthesis after training be the last thing you want? Exactly. It would means less mus...
If I remember correctly NSAIDS also significantly hinder protein synthesis so that would be enough reason to stay away from them while training.
Posted by: pillsbury i press 3-4 times a week, is very possible to do without overtraining I still hit every body part 3 times a week, althoug...
Posted by: arach Thanks. I think my body is very sensitive to stimulants and have trouble sleeping as a result. So I try to stay away from them.I t...
Welcome to GrowXXL
Posted by: jboldman it was a combination of things, the olympics in china created a huge ppolitacal pressure on the chinese government to clamp dow...
Posted by: ready2explode Jb, how do you feel about heating the ba, bb & powder prior to adding in the oil? I'd feel more comfortable with the o...
Posted by: GettinSwole Anyone tried primo? How did that make you feel? I haven't.
I experience a negative mood change with just about any androgen, exception being HRT dose testosterone. Even HCG and tamoxifen as well. Last time I w...
Re: Same cycle, same dosage again? Posted by: guijr Just wondering if repeating the same cycle and the same dose represents a waste of time.For examp...
Posted by: adrazor Completely subjective here but I am well on with my first cycle and have noticed no change with my temper or general aggresiveness...
I still use something similar. I could never go back to regular training splits after HST. I've done a few by the book HST cycles but these days I jus...