Last seen: Nov 3, 2020
PCT = post cycle therapyHere's a decent place to start:/p>
What do you expect the significance of this to be? Do you think that the benefit of adding the additional protein would be better or worse than the ef...
SS, did you notice the studies in the thread showing that nandrolone doesn't help with bodyfat?She-hulk hasn't visited lately. I'd suspect this is due...
My advice on Nandrolone Decanoate would be identical to the advice I had given you earlier on Boldenone in terms of cycle length, dosage, patience, et...
Although nandrolone has been used to help HIV positive men gain weight, it has not been fully studied in HIV positive women. Now researchers in the Un...
Posted by: Gino's_SheHulk Thank you for your reply. It helped a lot. When I decide to start a cycle, I will definitely keep this one in mind. And pat...
Side effects are the same for women regardless of the steroids used. As I've mentioned before, women don't use doses large enough to ellicit certain s...
Going by your stats, you've got quite an impressive physique.Hang around for a while. As I mentioned before, it's pleasant to have a female around. Fu...
So, you worked your way up to 350mgs a week of eq? Am I reading that right?What side effects did you experience when nolva was omitted?
Well, you certainly could give it a try. Shocking the body into mimicking lbm gains sounds a bit sketchy. The body bends to be smarter than we are lol...
I'd expect that the dosage would be the same or even higher since deca is less androgenic than eq. To be safe, start with a bit less and just bump it ...
If carbs do it for ya, run a 50/30/20 carb to prot to fat ratio of cals. Start with 2700 total cals and add in 500 every other week that you don't gai...
Yea, I thought it would be a good reminder to all and a nice summation of our discussed topics.
The best article I've ever read on T3.