Last seen: Nov 3, 2020
Looks like I'm getting beat up on pretty bad Maybe I should give it another go...
Posted by: equi30 I forgot to mention that I also used proviron at 50mg/day and had no hair problems. As both are DHT related, can I expect to react ...
Posted by: DocJ Personally, masteron makes any stack better, why? not really sure but for me, it's very noticeable. A debate tends to bring about muc...
IMO, masteron doesn't have any benefit except for those who are entering a bb competition.It does nothing to increase lbm, and I'm sick of hearing tha...
Thanks! I'm gonna go check it out!
What alcohol is zero carb? Alcohol is a carb itself, how is that possible?
Use a syringe, and fill 1/5th of a mL.
Yes, it's possible to diet without carbs (atkins).Yes, protein can be burned as fuel. I believe the body converts it with 40% efficiency, but I'd have...
Yea, that's the set and rep range. The traditional routine also depicts the lifts you can use (bench, squat, and row). I altered it a bit.
I have never competed, so take this with a grain of salt.From my research and simple logic, I used to think that while cutting one should use maximal ...
I'll bump headdoc's post - push off the heals.
Well it ain't workin' for me!"..."You just have to increase your dosage, hunny...
SS, did you notice the studies in the thread showing that nandrolone doesn't help with bodyfat?She-hulk hasn't visited lately. I'd suspect this is due...
My advice on Nandrolone Decanoate would be identical to the advice I had given you earlier on Boldenone in terms of cycle length, dosage, patience, et...