Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Last seen: Nov 3, 2020
Topics: 19 / Replies: 385
RE: Am I on the right track?

Please excuse my short response, but I'm pressed for time:1) You're experiencing such pain because you're doing too much too soon. Try to dial it back...

4 years ago
RE: Chicken Casserole

I've been looking for some healthy recipes. Thanks for the idea, MG. I'll give it a shot this weekend.

4 years ago
RE: High Resting Heart Linked to Shorter Life Expectancy

Science has shown some link between the number of beats and life expectancy in mammals - basically, you only get so many! Mammals with slow resting he...

4 years ago
RE: Arimidex with Anavar

Hey LI, one thing stood out to be in the study: the lack of change in FSH. I wonder why...

5 years ago
RE: Arimidex with Anavar

I'm not so good with OTC supps, so I can't answer your Nolvadex XT questions.Keep in mind, there is a difference between nolvadex and Nolvadex XT are ...

5 years ago
RE: Arimidex with Anavar

Re: Arimidex with Anavar Posted by: kaytoo Would it be safe to use the Arimidex with my current Anavar cycle and, also, can I mix in the occasi...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar for Endurance

Posted by: kaytoo A quick search for 'does Anavar reduce testosterone' has given me the answer. Suppose that's why all the BB guys supplement it wi...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar for Endurance

Posted by: Bus King I'm sorry but that research is probably not correct. Realgains is the bible on this forum from years of research from the best ...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar for Endurance

Posted by: kaytoo Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but if I'm going to use an AI to increase endogenous T then why would Var interfere with that? ...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar for Endurance

Posted by: kaytoo The only potential cause for a negative impact on endurance, potentially, could be the decreased levels of cortisol but I'm not e...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar for Endurance

Welcome aboard! And you're off to a great start by actually trying to research prior to asking a question. Our search engine is a goldmine.

5 years ago
RE: Chicken or the egg?

Interesting find!

5 years ago
RE: Cardio upon waking/first meal question.

Posted by: pillsbury body will use what it needs for energy and you think its going to choose muscle first?? are you kidding me? your body isnt ret...

5 years ago
RE: Cardio upon waking/first meal question.

I flat out disagree Pills. When the body is looking for energy, it's going to burn what it needs to burn to sustain itself.I would assume that most ea...

5 years ago
RE: Cardio upon waking/first meal question.

Posted by: jboldman as long as it is just a protein shake it is a good idea. just check the carb content.jb Exactly - protein in the am prior ...

5 years ago
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