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Joined: Dec 26, 2018
Last seen: Nov 25, 2021
Topics: 9 / Replies: 67
RE: Greater volume w/ less frequency or vice versa?

I actually like to do both until I start to stagnate...I'll stick around 12-15 reps per set, per bodypart, 2X per week for a while until it seems like...

6 years ago
RE: Blood work question...

I've been able to pretty much drop the values that I have so far mostly with diet and supplements, but I definately have cheated a little. I'm plannin...

6 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1065
RE: ...Would "YOU???"

It sounds like bodybuilding has officially stepped over the line into science fiction...But hey, if there WERE a doctor X...I'd sure as hell be on boa...

6 years ago
RE: Pt 141

I just picked up 4 vials for SQ injection...For my wife, although I MAY try to "stack" it one night with some cialis. I've heard wonderful things abou...

6 years ago
RE: Maha Pharma

Oh man...I hope you really DID know that I was kidding right? LOL!Even if you didn't, doesn't matter cause...You Cant Touch this...Hammertime!

6 years ago
RE: Maha Pharma

Too legit, too legit to quit, buh, buh, buh...Sorry, had to throw some props out to the man, HAMMER!Definately legit stuff.

6 years ago
RE: Refrigerate ??

I do refrigerate my HCG, but I don't pre-load any of my pins once it is reconstituted. I also tend to let my pins sit out for about a half hour to war...

6 years ago
RE: JB, how many ways..........

Sounds good to me! The four minute steam in the microwave is getting OLD!

6 years ago
RE: DECA Sust no bloat

20ml's...and EACH? You are gonna be Sooooooooo sore! LOL!

6 years ago
RE: Aromasin

I would excercise caution regarding where you read the information if there are not studies to back it up. I'm definately not saying that it would NOT...

6 years ago
RE: C'mon Test E...Four weeks in...

Posted by: keyser i hear ya bro. sometimes u just cant wait for the gains. but when you stop and look at where you are now as opposed to where you we...

6 years ago
RE: C'mon Test E...Four weeks in...

It's just me being impatient...Patience is definately not one of my virtues!I'm sure my diet has a lot to do with it as well. My goal here is to put o...

6 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1199
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